Thursday, November 30, 2006

Missed him?

Sorry for the lack of posts, Jonah caught a bug, then we had it. Then just as we thought we were on the mend it's come back. I have to admit Jonah's been alot better about it than Yus and I . He even kept smiling when he woke up vomiting. He really is an amazing child.


the editor said...

ugh! stomach viruses are the worst! hope the second go 'round doesn't last long!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you poor guys! The Editor is right -- stomach bugs are the worst! Sure hope everyone is feeling tip-top soon. We've missed that little smiling face!

Anonymous said...

poor babies!I am so glad you are on the mend,we missed you guys!glad to here m.&d. are having Christmas with you,call me soon.(oops,i mean hear)

Em and Jonah said...

Yip-ee Jonah's feeling much better, thanks guys for your comments.

And thanks Jenn for fixing my profile problem, you were right it wasn't a blog fault.

Elliott Allstars said...
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Elliott Allstars said...

Glad he's feeling better Emma! I just deleted my last post because I said I hope he's feeling better, for some reason I didn't see your post until now!