Thursday, June 14, 2007

3 things you might not know about me

I was sent an email asking me some questions and I thought I'd blog my answers and ask you to do the same.
As the title suggests you must give 3 answers to each question:

1) 3 Jobs I have had in my life:
Shop assistant
2) 3 Places that I have lived:
New York
3) 3 Tv shows I like to watch:
Desparate Housewives
The Office
4) 3 Places I have vacationed:
5) 3 Of my favorite foods:
Crunchy-nut Corn flakes
6) 3 Places I would rather be right now:
on a Beach
with family and friends
in bed
7) 3 People I think will answer:
Caleb Nation
Terry Tribune
C by the sea

Saturday, June 09, 2007

New blog coming your way

I am very happy to announce that my brother Rafe and Carmen have started blogging... and they already have some beautiful wedding photos up!!!! Please wonder over to


Here are my ONE word answers to Caleb Nation's quiz( and yes it's a challenge for me to use only one when there are just so many words to choose from):
*the blue answers are my sister's(Liss) as she is having difficulties blogging .

1. Where is your cell phone? bed L: found
2. Relationship? mummy L:married
3. Your hair? up L:pulled
4. Work? resigned L: eternal
5. Your sister? awesome L:brilliant
6. Your favorite thing? Jonah L: Jesus
7. Your dream last night? forgotten L:lost
8. Your favorite drink? chocolate L:tea
9. Your dream car? golf L: land rover
10. The room you’re in? bedroom L: kitchen
11. Your shoes? empty L: many
12. Your fear? rodents L: failure
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? happy L:missionary
14. Who did you hang out with this weekend? family L: kids
15. What you’re not good at maths L: multitasking
16. Muffin? please L: big
17. One of your wish muffins L:horse
18. Where did you grow up? travelling L: everywhere
19. The last thing you did nappy(diaper) L:yell
20. What are you wearing? clothes L:clothes
21. What aren’t you wearing? socks L:tiara
22. Your pet? Rafe L:beast
23. Your computer? helpful L:mystery
24. Your life? changing L:manic
25. Your mood? mixed L:sober
26. Missing? Dad L:Dad
27. What are you thinking about right now? questions L:Dad
28. Your car? toy L: exerbition
29. Your kitchen? small L:kennel
30. Your summer? mixed L:beached
31. Your favorite color? pink L: blue
32. When is the last time you laughed? today L:today
33. Last time you cried? today L:yesterday
34. School? funL: break
35.Love? family L: Andrew

I'm tagging: elliottallstars ,terryseven and rafelovescarmen( yes my brother and Carmen have just started a blog... )