Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Where have the last six months gone???
My tiny baby boy's not so tiny(some say he never was, but he was to us) and now he's eating solids and getting taller right before our eyes. I never dreamed how wonderful motherhood could be nor did I think the time would go by so fast.


the editor said...

Hello Emma! What an adorable baby boy you have! He is just so cute!! We're so glad you've got your blog up and running. I love checking out everyone's blog! You cannot imagine how fast the time flies. My baby boy is 12 1/2 years old- just amazing!! Lissa says you've seen our blogs- leave us a message so we know you've been there! Enjoy your baby!
love, Carolyn

Em and Jonah said...

This blogging is so addictive, as I just love posting photos of my Jonah. Matt's quite the young man and Rachael looks so cute modeling her dress over on your blog.

the editor said...

it definitely is addictive! i spend way too much time surfing the blogs- as my house can attest!